Baring our souls with the bare necessities!

Who are we?
The name G'RILLA stems from the term guerilla theatre. We’ve identified with this type of art since our inception as a company and as individual artists, and recognize that our team is one that creates out of necessity, using whatever tools we can acquire. In order for us to take on a project, we feel as if it needs to have a message that provokes and awakens something in our audience or unveils a perspective that has yet to be seen. Our art aims to inspire, intentionally infusing elements of joy into our storytelling.
Where did we come from?
Our story is Notorious.
We have been collaborating as an artistic team for over 6 years, as playwrights, directors, producers, castmates, and improv brigade members. As post-secondary students, we founded our own theatre company, G’RILLA (formerly NTC), and successfully mounted two Shakespeare adaptations, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. These productions took these well-known scripts and revised them to create action-packed 90 minute shows complete with musical arrangements, stage combat, dance, and extremely complex transitions.

What We Do.
We do it all. You'll see...
Our first original play, Crack in the Concrete, provided us with the opportunity to merge our theatrical work with our technical skills, and share our work across another platform that we have deep passions for, media. We started the social media campaigns, Friday Flows; short performances of our rap musical that were released weekly for two months. This was followed by Studio Saturdays, a month of behind the scene videos which explored our writing and beat creation process. We look forward to future projects where we can continue to merge the unique freedom of theatre with the magic of film.
Nicci Pryce.
Co-Artistic Director | Marketing Manager
Nicci Pryce (they/them) is a multidisciplinary artist creating work as a writer, director, lyricist, and educator. As a multi-faceted artist, they have directed various short films, self-tapes, and theatre productions.They studied Media Production at Toronto Metropolitan University. There they were able to direct and co-produce their thesis - a 30 minute queer short film, obtain the requirements for a minor in visual communication, as well as a concentration in TV & Film Production.Today their artistic practice unifies passion, vulnerability, and social justice. As a creator and co-artistic director of G’RILLA Productions, they intentionally infuse these values into each and every project.
Kareem Vaude.
Co-Artistic Director | General Manager
Kareem Vaude (they/them) is an Arab - Canadian Actor and Creator located in Tkaronto. They are a multidisciplinary artist whose skill set includes: acting, writing, directing, producing, and lyricism. Their personal and artistic mandate is to work on projects that celebrate joy and community-storytelling among marginalized peoples.They are a graduate of George Brown's 2020 Theatre School Ensemble where they trained in classical theatre performance, and a 2021 - 2022 Musical Stage Company RBC Apprentice Performer / Writer. Kareem is dedicated to the process of unmasking, and letting their inner dreamstate be present, seen, and shared.
Jeff Bersche.
Education Coordinator | Consultant
Jeff Bersche has been at GCVI since 1999 and teaching since 1994. He has taught every level of English and Drama. In 2000, he founded the full credit Acta Nostra Yearbook Journalism/Media course. With Kelly McCullough, he founded the UAP in 2014. He brings a wealth of video production, layout and design, sound recording, and digital software experience.He founded G.I.T. , GC's improv team, which has won awards at Regional, Provincial, and National tournaments. He is also an award-winning songwriter, performs with various bands and has ties with Guelph's music scene. Non-traditional music and art, particularly digital forms of those arts, are a real passion for him.

G'RILLA Vision.
At G'RILLA Productions. we understand the incredible power the entertainment industry wields in our modern society. Theatre and entertainment media represents, informs and influences our culture and communities; too often this power has been used to perpetuate a standard and a status quo that we, as a team, reject.We understand the importance of diversity in storytelling whether it be through race, gender, sexuality, or body. That is why G'RILLA, hereby pledges to prioritize and uplift voices of BIPOC and 2SLGBTQ+ artists. We are committed to ensuring they always have a seat at the table in the stories we are producing and are represented on stage as well as behind the scenes. We will be the change we want to see in this industry.
Land Acknowledgement.
G’RILLA Productions acknowledges that we are settlers on Turtle Island. Where we operate is the traditional territory of the Anishnaabe, the Algonquins, the Haudenosaunee, Mississauga, as well as many other First Nations and Métis people. Treaty 13, or The “Dish with One Spoon” Treaty calls us to share in caring for the land and resources provided to us by the caretakers of Turtle Island’s past and present.We understand our responsibility to the land and the indigenous people oppressed by colonial institutions. We at G’RILLA advocate for Land Back, and will always stand in solidarity against attacks against First Nations people whether that be police brutality, child welfare rights, MMIWG, or any other attack on freedoms and human rights of First Nation peoples.
We encourage you to also take action beyond just a land acknowledgement. Find relevant petitions below:Petition to aid in holding the government’s promise of clean drinking waterWays to assist Wet’suwet’en Voices in the Media
Check out our work below
Summer, 2021
Crack in the Concrete is a rap musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello. The story follows Thello, a student in her final year at Cyprus Christian Academy on a basketball scholarship. Unbeknownst to...
June, 2021
“QueerFutures 2099 sets its sights towards the future of queerness. How will queerness and queer art take form in 80 years? How do we, as queer and trans artists, connect with our communities through art, media, and...
July, 2019
The summer of 2019, G'RILLA continued the tradition of reimagining historic plays with an adaptation of Romeo & Juliet. Under the direction of Nicci Pryce, G'RILLA was able to make a comment on modern society...
Crack in the Concrete is a rap musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello. The story follows Thello, a student in her final year at Cyprus Christian Academy on a basketball scholarship.
Unbeknownst to her, Thello is also fighting against an otherworldly force known as Pestilence; a manipulative spirit who induces and feeds on people’s darkest thoughts and insecurities.
At one of the final townhall meetings, Pestilence prompts a jealous student to bring an outdated policy to the attention of the school board that forbids same-sex couples from attending prom together.
Thello and her girlfriend, Dez, must present their amendment to the policy at the next school board meeting, but Thello starts to become paranoid when her closest allies seemingly turn against her and put her relationship and future in jeopardy.
Thello must overcome the tactics of Pestilence, repeal the policy and make it in time to blow the scout away at the championship game.

This story aims to expose the toll that unchecked personal and structural biases can take on Queer BIPOC students in predominantly white spaces. It explores themes of internalized racism, homophobia, and sexism in a format that is accessible for young audiences.
Written by:
Performed by:
Soulpepper's Queer Futures.
June, 2021
“QueerFutures 2099 sets its sights towards the future of queerness. How will queerness and queer art take form in 80 years? How do we, as queer and trans artists, connect with our communities through art, media, and storytelling as we contemplate our futures? What does queerness look like at the turn of the 22nd Century?” - Soulpepper Theatre
Visions of the Future.
*Is there intelligent life beyond earth? *This question has been the basis for so many scientific explorations, futuristic stories, and conspiracy theories. It is a natural thing to wonder. There are countless galaxies in this universe so that must translate into a plethora of life forms. However this idea about finding intelligent life beyond ourselves prompts another question: What makes us so sure human life is intelligent?Our piece is set somewhere deep in outer space where a gathering for the Intergalactic Union of Higher Beings is taking place. This union of alien nations has allowed the species to coexist in peaceful co-operation for millions of years.At this particular meeting, the Intergalactic Gathering of 2099, alien nations have converged to finally answer the age old question: Is there intelligent life on earth?
Written, Directed and Performed by:
Makeup / Costumes by:
Produced by:
July, 2019
The summer of 2019, G'RILLA continued the tradition of reimagining historic plays with an adaptation of Romeo & Juliet. Under the direction of Nicci Pryce, G'RILLA was able to make a comment on modern society utilizing this famous old tale.

The Power of Youth.
The play highlighted the powerlessness today's youth feel when authoritative powers continue to make decisions that irreversibly damage our future. The swapping of the main characters' genders was an intentional decision not to continue the portrayal of women as property on stage. It consequently allowed us to explore the characters deeper without being influenced by over 400 years of tradition.
Directed by:
Trailer by:
Brian Le, Kelly Falco, Kareem Vaude, Sam Bruce-Ireland, Jared Ireland, Madelena Byrnell, Guilhem Kirby, Brett Kasza, Nicci Pryce, Doris Zhang.
July, 2018
The G'RILLA Team are proud alumni of the Urban Arts Project in Guelph, Ontario. In the summer of 2018, under the guidance of former teachers and mentors Jeff Bersche and Kelly Muccollough, a group of UAP alumni formed to co-produce G'RILLA’s (formally Notorious Theatre Company’s) first show, a musically revamped version of UAP's Macbeth.
That summer a passion was born that could not be extinguished and the team got to work mounting their next multi-media play, Romeo and Juliet.
Directed by:
Trailer by:
Elly Pond, Jenn Tan, Jodi Tu, Nicci Pryce, Kareem Vaude, Jared Ireland, Brett Kasza, Chloe Curry, Paula Sofia, Jodre Datu.
Lily O’Coin
Get in touch.
For inquiries on how you can collaborate with or support G’RILLA, email us at, or get in touch through the form below.
Stay up to date on G’RILLA projects and future casting calls by following our socials below.
Thank You.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.